Networking. If your eyes roll (and your stomach drops) upon just READING that word, you’re not alone. Many people understand the importance of networking, but they still dread it. We get that – and we’re here to help! If networking intimidates you and you’re never really sure what to ask/talk about, here are 20 questions to keep in your back pocket: Questions about their job/career path What company/organization do you work for?What’s your specific position?How long have you worked there?How big is the company/organization you work for? Have you always worked in the XX industry?How did you get involved in the XX industry?What do you enjoy most about your current role?Do you have any exciting projects coming up? Questions about the event Have you attended this event before?How did you hear about this event?Are you here with coworkers or did you come alone?What are you hoping to get out of this particular event? Or, what are you most excited about at today’s event? Have you ever heard of this speaker before?What other networking events/meetups do you like to attend/find valuable? Other questions to ask Are you from the XX area? If it’s an event that required many people to travel, a good follow-up question could be “Have you been here before?” What do you like to do outside of work?Do you read much/do you have any good book recommendations? Or, if you’ve read a good book recently, “Have you ever read XYZ?” Would it be possible to grab one of your business cards?Are you on LinkedIn/do you mind if we connect? You’ve been so helpful! Is there anyone else here you think I should meet?