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Dues and Renewals-hero

Dues payment and renewal workflows that require less work

Why spend hours a week on renewal efforts? With automated dues reminders, profile generation and invoicing, retaining 
your membership has never been easier.

MemberClicks: Your ‘set-it-and-forget-it’ dues & renewals solution

Automated dues reminders
Automated dues reminders icon

Automated dues reminders

Create a dues reminder workflow that sends your members automated reminders as their renewal date approaches. It also sends them emails if they lapse.

Automated and one-click renewals
Automated and one-click renewals icon

Automated and one-click renewals

Give your members the option to choose automatic recurring renewals or one-click renewals. Paying your dues should always be this easy.

Automatically generated invoicing
Automatically generated invoicing icon

Automatically generated invoicing

Automatically send out invoices to all members who join your organization or renew their membership.

We would gladly recommend MemberClicks to other organizations.
Dante Preciado The American Society for Nutrition
Member profile generation
Member profile generation icon

Member profile generation

Automatically generate a new member profile with each new member sign-up.

Payment processing
Payment processing icon

Payment processing

Integrated dues payment processing allows you to coordinate your financial and membership reporting without any additional work.

Other features you
won’t want to miss

Lapsed member reminders icon

Lapsed member reminders

Automate reminders to lapsed members

Automated dues reminders icon

Pre-configured grace periods

Give your members a pre-set grace period

discounts & deals icon

Membership discounts & deals

Give discounts, reward loyalty or run renewal promos

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Membership Software that Clicks for Your Needs

Get in touch to learn more about MemberClicks - software designed for the unique needs of  associations, chambers and nonprofits. If you’re looking to create a better member experience, save staff time and reduce costs, let us match you with the perfect tools today!