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Association Management

13 Fall Fundraising Ideas Worth Trying

MemberClicks Avatar MemberClicks October 3, 2018
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Pumpkins, sweaters, apple cider, oh boy! Everyone loves the feel of fall.

Fall is a great time of year. Everyone is ready to hunker down into cozy sweaters and settle in for winter. People love fall and a good seasonal change. (Just check your social media feeds if you don’t believe us.)

Why not tap into that excitement at your association? Allow people to celebrate and get in the spirit, while also raising money for your organization.

Here are 13 fall fundraising ideas worth trying:

  1. Host a chili cook off
  2. Host a pumpkin carving/decorating contest (*Note: This could be a good family-friendly event; you provide the tools/crafts, your members bring their children!)
  3. Sell fall-themed baked goods (pumpkin-shaped cookies, pumpkin spice muffins, etc.)
  4. Sell hot chocolate and/or warm apple cider
  5. Organize a Halloween (or even Thanksgiving) run/walk
  6. Host a pie eating contest
  7. Organize a bonfire (*Note: Your local fire department can help you identify a location)
  8. Auction off a fall basket (filled with smores, hot chocolate, fall movies, etc.)
  9. Host a fall/Halloween-themed trivia night (*Note: This could be a good one for your young professional members! “Brews and Q’s!”)
  10. Organize a football tailgate and/or a football viewing party
  11. Plan an Oktoberfest celebration (complete with beer, pretzels, and sausages)
  12. Host a simple wine tasting event (or fall brews, if you think that’d appeal more to your members)
  13. Plan a group hike (preferably when the leaves are changing colors)

Seasonal events

Now you may already have your fall events planned, but the good news is, with several of these, you could tie them into an existing event. For example, you could sell fall-themed baked goods at your quarterly luncheon. Or auction off a fall basket at your end-of-year tradeshow. It may require a little extra planning, but with the additional non-dues revenue you’d be bringing in, it could be worth it!

Speaking of non-dues revenue, if you’re looking for more ideas that you could plan for and execute regardless of the time of year, check out our Ultimate Guide to Non-Dues Revenue below! From sponsorships to social media opportunities, there’s something for everyone!