Your members are the foundation of your organization. And getting them to renew their memberships seamlessly is a key part of their experience. Our AMS tools – MC Professional and MC Trade – have built in tools to help you identify renewal patterns, make communication more efficient, simplify payment and pull reports.
Curious what tools we have that can help you with your renewals? Well, you’re in the right place to find out!
Understand how your members renew with Renewal Invoice Payment Insight report
The Renewal Invoice Payment Insight report compares the time a renewal invoice is created to when it is actually paid out. You can view these trends over the past 12 months or of all time.

Why is this helpful?
If you know that a majority of your members take 7 – 14 days to renew after receiving an invoice, you can adjust when you send them out to make sure they’re renewing within the time period you need that income.

Set up auto renewals
Auto renewals automatically renew memberships at the end of their membership period with the payment method you have on file. They do have to be set up with your payment processor, but your AMS will be the one to send out renewal notifications.
You can make auto renewals optional or required or keep them off completely depending on your members and organization needs.
NOTE: If you set up auto renewals, your members will still receive a renewal reminder before the expiration data with the invoice attached.
BONUS: You can pull a list of members who sign up for auto renewals to look for any trends or connections between them.
Members can always opt out of their auto renewal.
Use automated emails for reminders
Both MemberClicks AMS options have built-in email abilities with personalization tools so you can connect with the right members, at the right time to remind them about their renewal.
Automated emails are a great tool to maintain communication and keep member benefits top of mind all year long, too, so that when the time comes to renews, your members are eager to say “yes!”
Pull renewal reports
You need to be able to easily see renewal rates over time to identify trends. Plus, these reports can be pulled and send to your board.
Both MC Professional and MC Trade have built in reporting tools that let you pull data in a visual way to make understanding renewal rates easy.
Need to know how specific member groups compare to each other? Filter the report by member types so you can identify any trends in renewals.

Why is this helpful?
There are so many things you can learn from looking at renewal data. The tool makes it easy to view trends, identifying easy to fill gaps in your renewal processes. A specific month could be better for renewals. You can find correlations between member renewals and how engaged they use your benefits, attend events, etc.
Using the filter to view specific member types at a time highlights if a specific group that isn’t renewing at the same rate of everyone else. This could mean that your member benefits, communications or events aren’t aligning with them as much.
This step is a big “Don’t miss out!” opportunity for associations and chambers. Data is super helpful and should not be taken for granted.

Building out a membership renewal strategy
While MemberClicks AMS does have these tools to help, they should be whipped cream and cherries on top of your already robust renewal strategy. Check out our complete guide to retention and renewals.

Explore our pricing and product page to compare the features of MC Trade VS MC Professional.