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How to Use Postcards to Stay on Member’s Minds

MemberClicks Avatar MemberClicks September 13, 2018
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3 min read

This year for ASAE Annual, we decided to get a little creative and extra thoughtful about our messaging. Here at MemberClicks, “What’s Your Why” is frequently discussed and we realized with all of our passionate association professionals that we should bring the question outside of the MemberClicks walls. And we heard so much positive feedback at the show about this idea that we figured we’d share it with everyone!

Check out how you can use postcards at your next conference to stay on your attendee’s minds without breaking the bank!

1. Determine a creative front design

Most organizations decide to have themes for their conferences to provide some additional character and appeal for attendees. So why not take this theme to the next level and turn it into a fun design for your postcard? Your goal should be to provide a design that speaks to your association (whether that’s a artistic, silly, or thoughtful vibe) that any attendee would be excited to receive in the mail.

The big focus here is to make sure that your design is so uniquely your association that anyone in your industry will identify it as part of your brand. And don’t forget to have fun with it! People typically don’t put a boring images on their fridge.

2. Identify your message

Now that you have the front aspect figured out, it’s time to get to the purpose of your postcard. Ideally, the back of your card will play off your design and urge your attendees to answer a question that aligns with your event. Consider questions such as:

  • What’s the number one thing you learned?
  • Why do you love this conference?
  • Why do you love our industry?

As an example, see a copy of our postcard below:


3. Decide if you want to include a promotional message

There’s no better time than the present to start advertising for your next big association event. So why not use some space on your postcast to highlight some friendly reminders for your association, such as:

  • The next event (or two) they’d be sad to miss from your association
  • Your Instagram and Facebook information to check out your updates
  • A short message from your ED saying their thanks for attending

Either way, a little engagement never hurt your members, right? 

Now that the hard work is done, just set up a station at your event and encourage your attendees to participate. Whether it’s a few weeks, months or even a year, just remember to mail the postcards back to your attendees!

If you want to take it to the next level, look at the answers to see if you’re able to identify any trends that will help you better understand your members.

You spend a lot of time – and money – planning your association’s events. So naturally, you want them to be successful and for your attendees to be engaged. Check out our free guide How to Engage Your Event Attendees to how to get the most out of your next event!