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Association Management

Attracting Millennials Through the Art of Storytelling

MemberClicks Avatar MemberClicks August 25, 2016
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2 min read

Storytelling is a powerful tool for your association. It connects people and brings a human feel to your organization. In fact, by telling a compelling story, you can actually boost Millennial recruitment.

Now the key word there is compelling.

So what makes a compelling story? Here are a few ideas:

Visual stories

When it comes to Millennials and content, shorter is better. They like snackable content, and even more so, visual content. You may have your association’s story online, but do you have it in visual form? Can it be told via a short video or Prezi presentation? Formats like this will attract Millennials and hold their attention longer.

Philanthropic stories

Millennials care about giving back. And since your association likely does a lot for the community and industry, it’s important that you communicate that message. Do you have videos and/or pictures highlighting your community work? Are those images featured on your website and social media pages?

If not, they should be! After all, if you can tell a compelling story about what you do for others, Millennials will undoubtedly want to be a part of it.

Mentorship stories

This one depends a little bit on the type of association you work for, but if you work for a professional association, this type of storytelling is HUGE. People join professional organizations to advance their careers (whether it be through networking, education, certifications, etc.). That said, if you have a mentoring program of some sort, let it be known via a compelling story.

For example, did someone in your association help another member attain his or her goals? If so, turn that into a blog post or short video. This will make your association look extremely attractive to Millennials, who are actively trying to advance their careers. 

Storytelling is just one of the many ways to attract Millennial members. Want a few more ideas? Check out our our free guide, The March of the Millennials: Tips for Engaging the Next Generation Now!

Free Member Retention Guide

Ready to retain members and keep them coming back forever and ever? This guide will teach you everything you need to know about member retention. We cover all the basics, like the first steps to member retention and how to map out your member journey. From there, we dive a bit deeper into retention tips.
