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Association Marketing

15 Ideas for Easy, Sharable Video Content

MemberClicks Avatar MemberClicks November 21, 2018
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3 min read

Video has been popular for quite a while now, particularly on social media, but did you know, by 2019, video will account for about 78 percent of the world’s mobile data traffic?

That means most of the content people will be searching for and engaging with online will be in video form. So, is your association or chamber hopping on the video trend? If not, now’s the time.

Not sure what to even film a video about? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Interview the founder of your organization. People love to know how things all began. (Plus, there’s often an inspirational story there.)
  2. Have any long-term sponsors? Interview them and talk about how they’ve helped your organization (and industry) over time. Or, you could go in the opposite direction and introduce your new sponsors. You could even turn this into a recurring segment: Sponsor Spotlight!
  3. If you have an upcoming event or conference, provide your members and followers with packing tips or advice for first-timers.
  4. Speaking of events, go behind the scenes and film your staff getting ready/setting up. You could even film them opening up a box – or boxes – of swag (swag that attendees will receive, of course). That’s ALWAYS exciting!
  5. Have any recent success stories? The completion of a big project or advocacy advancement? Share them! People love a good celebratory video.
  6. Create a short “thank you” video from your staff members to your volunteers. (This could be particularly impactful with the holidays coming up.)
  7. Repurpose an existing blog post. Pull out the top three takeaways and recap them in video form. (Then encourage viewers to check out the full post.)
  8. Create a 30-second member or volunteer testimonial. Remember, nothing is more powerful than word-of-mouth marketing!
  9. Put together an overview of your organization and its mission. (This could be great for your website and prospect communications.)
  10. Start a “News You Need” series. Whenever something “big” happens in your organization’s industry, summarize it in video form.
  11. Put together a “Call for” video – call for volunteers, call for speakers, etc. And encourage your members/followers to share!
  12. Towards the end of the year, put together a “Best of” video, highlighting favorite moments from throughout the year. Or, take another approach and ask your staff and/or members to share some of their favorite moments.
  13. If you have an annual conference, gather a few testimonials (for the event) onsite. That way, you can use it to promote your event in the future.
  14. Speaking of event promotion, kindly request your speakers submit a 30-second video summarizing what their session is about. Then use those videos on your website and social media accounts to boost interest and drive registrations.
  15. If your organization wins an award (or won an award recently), for example, Chamber of the Year, put together quick video explaining what the award stands for and thanking all those who made winning possible.

Remember, you don’t have to have a massive budget or top-notch production team to create an engaging, sharable video. It’s all about telling a compelling story.