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Your Email Marketing Checklist: What to Review Before You Hit Send

MemberClicks Avatar MemberClicks September 25, 2017
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2 min read

Email blunders happen to everyone. And when they do, well, they’re certainly not fun. Maybe your personalization was wrong. Or the information you sent out was incorrect. Or none of your links worked.

Ugh, the worst.

We know that heart-drop-to-the-bottom-of-your-stomach feeling, so to help minimize those blunders, we’ve put together an email marketing checklist with everything you need to review before hitting send. Take a look:

  • Is the personalization correct? (The recipient’s name, their job title, the company they work for – anything that might be unique to them.) Send yourself a test to make sure those fields are populating correctly.
  • Is “the hook” in the first two sentences (the what and/or the why)? If you want to capture people’s attention, this is important!
  • Is the information correct? Triple check dates, times, prices, and locations in particular. These are SO easy to mess up.
  • Are there any typos? This is where another person/set of eyes could come in handy. You’ve been looking at your email far too long – it’s easy to gloss over something.
  • If your email is image-based, are those images loading? Again, this is where testing is important. Be sure to check that email in different servers as well (Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.).
  • Is your email responsive? This, again, mostly applies to image-based emails, but take a look at what your email looks like on a mobile device. Is the formatting clean? Are any of your headlines getting awkwardly cut in half? These are important things to check.
  • Are the links in your email working? Test ALL of them. (And don’t just look to see if they’re hyperlinked – actually click on them to make sure the URLs are correct and the pages are loading.)
  • Is there a clear call-to-action (a step for the recipient to take)? Does that call-to-action stand out – especially for people who won’t necessarily be looking for it? Scannable emails are KEY.

Let’s say you’ve got all this down, but your open rates and click-through rates still aren’t ideal. Allow us to help! Check out our free guide, Best Practices for Email Marketing, below. It’s filled with tips and tricks to help boost your email marketing efforts!