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4 Types of Member Testimonials Your Organization Needs

MemberClicks Avatar MemberClicks October 20, 2023
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2 min read

Word-of-mouth marketing trumps ALL other forms of marketing – that’s nothing new. But it just means the need for testimonials is greater than ever. Hopefully you already have a few member testimonials on hand, but just as your membership is diverse and your goals are diverse, you should have a diverse set of member testimonials as well. Specifically, these four types:

1. A standard member testimonial 

This is the type of member testimonial you’re probably used to (and may already have). This type of testimonial should be from a loyal member who’s gotten value from their membership and plans to continuing renewing in the years to come.

A few questions you may want to ask when gathering this type of testimonial are…

  • How long have you been a member of [Organization Name]?
  • What do you love most about [Organization Name]?
  • How has [Organization Name] helped shape your professional career?

2. A young professional member testimonial

Next, you’ll want to have a young professional member testimonial. YPs have their own unique set of wants and needs, and so it’s important to have a testimonial (or several!) that speak to those specific interests.

When gathering that type of testimonial, you may want to ask…

  • As a young professional, how has being a member of [Organization Name] helped you?
  • What member benefits do you love and use the most?

3. A committee member testimonial

Once someone becomes a member, you then obviously want them to get involved. Join a committee, for example. But rather than you telling them how valuable serving on a committee would be, allow one of your existing committee members to do that.

To gather a good committee member testimonial, consider asking the following questions…

  • What committee did you serve on or are you currently serving on?
  • What was your role on that committee?
  • Would you recommend serving on a committee, and if so, why?

4. A conference attendee member testimonial

In addition to serving on a committee, attending your organization’s events – particularly your annual conference, if you have one – is a GREAT way for members to get involved. But how do you get them to actually register? A testimonial from a former attendee and member could do just the trick.

To convey just how valuable your conference really is, consider asking a former attendee the following:

  • What’s your favorite thing about [Organization Name]’s Annual Conference?
  • How many years have you attended [Organization Name]’s Annual Conference?
  • Would you recommend [Organization Name]’s Annual Conference, and if so, why?

Testimonials should certainly be a part of your organization’s marketing, but as you know, they aren’t the only part. What about standard marketing on your website? Or via social media?

For tips and best practices to really spread the word about your organization, check out our free guide below!

Free Member Retention Guide

Ready to retain members and keep them coming back forever and ever? This guide will teach you everything you need to know about member retention. We cover all the basics, like the first steps to member retention and how to map out your member journey. From there, we dive a bit deeper into retention tips.
