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Membership Management

14 Engaging Membership Drive & Event Ideas

MemberClicks Avatar MemberClicks September 2, 2024
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10 min read

Let’s face it: even the best of the best goes through membership lulls. Your association, chamber of commerce, or membership organization’s regular recruitment efforts can only bring in so much. But that doesn’t mean you’re out of options: it might mean it’s time to plan a membership drive.

What is a membership drive?

A membership drive is a campaign your organization launches to bring in grow new membership. Members don’t just find you over time: they’re drawn in, when and how you want them to be. 

Membership drives combine marketing and member recruitment efforts to engage prospective new members, introduce them to your organization, and gain their support.

Simply put, it means you’re giving them the extra push they need to decide they want to be a part of your organization. You’ll boost your member database and create lifelong supporters.

a membership drive where a presentation is being given

How do you start planning your membership campaign? That’s what we’re here for. Keep reading for fourteen tried and true ideas for your next membership drive, including:

1. Start a referral program.

Who doesn’t love perks? Kick off your membership drive by leveraging one of the best tools in your kit—your current membership base.

Launch a member referral program that brings in new members by using an incentive. This type of program will incentivize your current members to encourage people they know to join, or to recruit new members. You could use:

  • A gift card
  • Valuable electronic item
  • A reduction in their own membership fee
  • A free ticket

To level up, turn it into a friendly competition to see who can help bring in the most new members! The winner walks away with a special prize.

But…you might not know what type of incentive will motivate your members. If you’re feeling unsure, go to the source. Ask your members what they’d be most interested in, via a survey.

Once you’ve determined how you’ll incentivize your program, it’s time to promote it. Send the details to your current email list and mention it at your upcoming events. Use any other existing channels to help spread the word, but especially utilize your email marketing tools!

And don’t forget: if this is a limited time offer, let them know how long they have to take you up on it!

2. Organize a volunteer opportunity.

Consider partnering with a local nonprofit or other community organization to host a volunteer day. For potential members who want to make an impact, this could be a great opportunity to show them that you want to make the world a better place.

Try to tie the day of giving back either to your association or to a cause that many at your association are passionate about.

Plus, a volunteer opportunity means that prospective new members will be able to mingle with current members in a casual, low-key environment. That means you can demonstrate your organization’s commitment to charity, which can be an enticing aspect for philanthropic-minded people.

Looking for some inspo? Check out these volunteer recruitment ideas before you plan your next volunteer opportunity.

3. Provide a free educational experience.

One of the top reasons members will join your organization is if they know what’s in it for them. Education and professional development are key reasons they’ll be joining you!

But who would choose something when they don’t know what they’re getting? A free glimpse into your educational resources could do wonders for your association’s membership numbers.

For example, if you host an annual conference, consider opening a portion to the general public for free so they can get a taste of what you’re all about.

Or maybe host a free training workshop. This helps establish your credibility and value to potential new members. As it turns out, free education could be the best rate of return for your organization!

people at an educational member workshop

Membership drives give your prospects an inside look at your organization and leave them wanting to know more about the other benefits you offer. This is a non-salesy way to still put your best foot forward, but still gives you the opportunity to educate your audience.

4. Launch a social media campaign.

Do you have an active social media audience? Then take your membership drive online! Throughout your drive, take to your social accounts to remind your prospective members:

  • Who You Are: What are your roots? When did your membership organization begin and what’s the history behind it? What do you stand for? Make sure to include some of your background to give prospective members an idea of what you’re all about.
  • How Your Members Benefit: “What’s in it for me?” is the likely question from your prospective members. Don’t make them hunt for the information! Instead, offer it up in the “about” section of your page, and every now and then post benefits on your timeline. Consider having your current members talk about their favorite benefits, or featuring recent events.
  • What They Can Do: Your audience may not be completely sold yet based on their initial search, which is normal. To help reel them in further, give them an idea of how they can join in on events and continuing education opportunities. It may be helpful to give them access for free before they pay for their membership. This helps give them a “test drive” of your membership organization.

As an added bonus and for even more credibility, ask your current members to film short testimonials you can share on your social media pages. Or, encourage them to fill out a review if the social platform allows for it, like Facebook.

Want to kick it up a notch? Launch a digital ads campaign across Facebook, Linkedin, and/or Google (if you’re a nonprofit, you could even get a Google Grant!).

5. Schedule a speaker series.

Expert speakers come with their own networks, and if you partner with those speakers for organization events, they’ll bring those audiences with them! Ask several accomplished individuals in your field to host talks or Q&A sessions with current and prospective members.

Once you’ve hooked your audience with the original speaker series, you can let your prospects know they can attend the rest of the series if they choose to join your organization. That’s just another added benefit to boost your membership count!

Even better: run this alongside your referral program, and let members bring prospects to these events as a part of the recruitment process.

6. Call prospective members directly.

Text messages reign supreme. Your inbox is overflowing.

But we’re offering an old-school approach to boosting your membership numbers. Pick up the phone and call your prospective members. This tried and true tactic stands out in a world where digital is the norm.

It may take extra effort. But that effort is a great way to show your prospective members that you care about them joining your association!

Prospects feel seen and heard as individuals and they will appreciate that you’ve taken the time to personally check in with them and answer any questions they may have about joining with a simple phone call. Just make sure the call is personalized, and you’re familiar with the prospects you’re reaching out to.

7. Partner with Industry Influencers

Partnering with influencers can amplify your membership drive by leveraging their credibility and reach within your target audience. Collaborate with industry experts or thought leaders to share their positive experiences with your organization through social media posts, blogs, or webinars.

This authentic endorsement introduces your association to a broader audience and builds trust, as people are more likely to be influenced by someone they respect. Choose influencers whose values align with your mission and provide them with key messaging points while allowing them creative freedom to authentically promote your drive.

8. Host a Virtual Open House

Hosting a virtual open house is an excellent way to showcase your association’s value and connect directly with prospective members in an engaging, interactive format. During the event, you can highlight key membership benefits, provide an overview of upcoming events, and offer sneak peeks into exclusive resources.

Incorporate live Q&A sessions, where attendees can ask questions and get real-time answers from your leadership team or current members. This personal interaction helps build trust and allows prospects to experience your community firsthand, making them more likely to join.

To maximize the impact, consider featuring testimonials from existing members and offering limited-time incentives for attendees who decide to join during the open house. Promote the event through your email lists, social media, and website, and ensure the registration process is simple.

A virtual open house not only breaks down geographic barriers but also provides a low-pressure environment for potential members to learn more about your association and its benefits.

Best Membership Drive Events to Grow Your Member List

Events are a fantastic way to grow awareness of your organizations and to expose new prospects to all the benefits membership has to offer. When crafting your membership drive campaign, consider hosting one of these events: 

Launch an Annual Conference:

Hosting an annual conference is a great way to bring together current members, showcase the value of membership, and attract new members. The conference can be combined with other events to host speakers, workshops, or networking events,

Having members gather over the course of many days allows for your current members to engage with prospective members. Attendees experience first-hand the benefits of your organization and begin build connections with other members.

Member recruiters can attract more members by highlighting membership perks. Special membership rates for the conference will also incentivize prospects to join up!

Networking Events

Networking event provides an opportunity for both members and non-members to meet and engage. These events typically have minimal structure and provide plenty of opportunity for attendees to connect.

Refreshments and an energizing location help create an loose vibe. Current members can connect with each other and bring colleagues and friends who are ideal potential new members. Make sure to have plenty of membership info for prospective members to check out.

After the event, follow-up with non-members to see if they’d like to officially join the organization. This would be a ideal time to offer a discount or enhanced member benefits

Host a “Bring a Friend” Event

Hosting a “Bring a Friend” event is a powerful way to introduce potential members to your association in a welcoming and personal setting. Encourage your current members to invite colleagues or friends who may be interested in joining, creating an opportunity for them to experience your organization’s community and benefits firsthand.

This type of event can be anything from a casual networking mixer to a structured workshop or seminar, allowing guests to interact with both staff and members, ask questions, and learn more about the value of membership.

To enhance the impact, offer incentives such as a discount on membership fees for guests who join during or shortly after the event. You can also reward the referring members with perks like event tickets or exclusive access to resources. This approach not only helps you grow your membership base but also strengthens the sense of community among existing members, making them active participants in the recruitment process.

Lunch or Happy Hour:

Having lunch or drinks is considered a more personal way to network in comparison to larger events. You may want to consider hosting a meal exclusively for prospective members at a well-known restaurant. This can be combined with a small workshop or guest speaker to deliver more value

It is also possible to organize a happy hour event that is open to both members and non-members. Request that members invite guests to be introduced to the organization. Pamphlets should be provided, and members of the membership committee will be available to answer any questions and show off the benefits of membership.

The effectiveness of personal invitations to join from real members can surpass that of generic marketing outreach.

Run a Charitable Event

Organizations hosting charitable events demonstrate their dedication to the community. These events also generate positive publicity and attract potential members who want to contribute. When promoting the event, emphasize member participation and the impact they can make.

Additionally, consider offering a discounted membership rate to non-profit employees or volunteers who attend and express interest in joining. Follow up promptly after the event to sign up new members while their enthusiasm for the cause is still fresh.

Host a Skills Workshop

Hosting free or low-cost workshops is an effective way to demonstrate an organization’s expertise. The educational content provides value to attendees while showcasing the strengths of the membership base. Record workshops to repurpose content for marketing.

Offer a promotional membership rate for non-members who participated in a workshop to convert them into members. Make sure to capture their contact info at the workshop for follow up.

Host a Guest Speaker Series

A guest speaker series offers members the opportunity to learn from industry leaders, innovators, and experts. Attendees get access to cutting-edge information and perspectives. Promote the exclusive speaker series as a member benefit and perk.

Offer a limited number of free passes to non-members to give them a preview. Have membership info and staff available to sign up new members on the spot after they experience a compelling speaker presentation.


Getting new members to join your association is no easy feat. Luckily, you’re armed with membership drive ideas that will help you boost your numbers over time. Try them out and see what works for your association today, what you could add in the future and where you find success.

Remember that education plays a huge role in driving new members, and that you can easily give prospects a taste of what your association has to offer.

If you’re looking for ways to find new members so that you can include them with your new membership drive ideas, make sure to check out this article on 10 Association Membership Recruitment Ideas for 2021. Plus, this article has a real-life example of who is doing each idea well.

Then, once you have those members, it’s time to welcome them! Use this article for 9 Ways to Welcome New Members to Your Organization. We’re talking welcome letters, welcome packets and more. And as a great association, you know that retention tactics never stop after you welcome new members. That’s why you’ll need to know these 9 Member Appreciation Ideas to Retain More Members. Find ideas like appreciation events, special social shoutouts and so much more.

Free Member Retention Guide

Ready to retain members and keep them coming back forever and ever? This guide will teach you everything you need to know about member retention. We cover all the basics, like the first steps to member retention and how to map out your member journey. From there, we dive a bit deeper into retention tips.
