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2 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Marketing in 2021

MemberClicks Avatar MemberClicks December 28, 2020
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2 min read

Email marketing is something all companies, associations, and chambers are tasked with. It’s the number one driver of acquisition, engagement, and retention. 

But email marketing requires a little bit of trial and error — for everyone. What works well for one organization or industry may not work well for another. That’s just the nature of the game. 

That said, while every company and organization’s strategy will differ, there are a few ways we can ALL supercharge our email marketing in 2021. Take a look:

1. Segment, segment, segment 

Segmenting your email campaigns may require extra work, but it really is worth it. If it means a few more event registrations or a few more membership renewals, then it’s worth it to take a little extra time and create a few variations of the same email. Rather than sending the same email to your entire membership (which you could call an “email blast”), break that list down into smaller, more segmented lists.

For example, you could segment by…

  • Join date
  • Member type 
  • Special interests
  • Event attendance
  • Geographic location 

The more targeted you can get with your communications, the better results (higher open rates, click-through rates, etc.) you’re likely to see.

Note: If the thought of doing this manually seems overwhelming, that’s because it probably is! This is something you’d want software for — something like membership management software. With a solution like that in place, you can quickly and easily pull email lists based on a number of member properties, such as the ones listed above.

2. Repeat the call-to-action, but switch up the phrasing and display

People tend to reserve their CTAs for the end of an email. That’s probably the most traditional way of doing it. But nowadays, people get so many emails that they generally just skim the content. They may not even get to the end! 

That said, a best practice is to repeat your CTA (yes, the same one) a couple times throughout your email copy. (Don’t go overboard. Two or three times is enough.) But each time you repeat it, do it a little bit differently. Switch up the phrasing and/or the type (text link versus button). 

Below is an example of how MemberClicks did it a few weeks ago when promoting a free industry webinar: 

Strong CTA Example 

See how those CTAs are written almost for scannability? Rather than giving the reader one chance to take action, we’re giving them three — increasing the chances they will! 

(If you missed that webinar and want to hear the recording, click here!) 

These are just two of MANY tactics to improve your association or chamber’s communications. For more marketing tips — from email to your website to social media and beyond — check out our free guide below!